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Ariana Gran

My Everything


Dangerous Woman

Thank U, Next

Die For You (Remix)


Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

The Weeknd, Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

Popular Reviews

The Weeknd's "My Dear Melancholy" is a haunting journey through heartbreak, dripping with raw emotion and introspection. With soulful vocals and atmospheric production, it's a captivating return to his darker R&B roots.

The Weeknd's "My Dear Melancholy" is a haunting journey through heartbreak, dripping with raw emotion and introspection. With soulful vocals and atmospheric production, it's a captivating return to his darker R&B roots.



Billie Eilish · 2019



Billie Eilish's "WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?" is a mesmerizing debut that defies genre conventions. With haunting vocals and innovative production, she crafts a dark yet captivating sonic landscape, solidifying her status as a trailblazer in contemporary pop.


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With Wavform, exploring and sharing music becomes the seamless, social experience that it should be.

Blonde by Frank Ocean is a generation defining album. That’s the whole review... Seriously...

I was knocked out cold after falling 33 stories onto concrete and wouldn’t wake up, paramedics played this and i instantly jolted back to life. Thank you, Taylor. You saved me.

Billie Eilish's "WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?" is a mesmerizing debut that defies genre conventions. With haunting vocals and innovative production, she crafts a dark yet captivating sonic landscape, solidifying her statu...

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All copyrighted content (i.e. album artwork) on Wavform are owned by their respective owners. Data is provided by Spotify AB. Wavform is in no way affiliated with Spotify AB.

© 2024 Wavform, LLC. All rights reserved. Create the world you wish to live in.

Your Social Cataloging App For All Things Music

Log albums and songs you’ve listened to, follow what your friends’ are listening to, and discover what’s good and bad in the world of music.

Choose Your 3 Favorite Albums or Songs

These will display on your profile, but you can change these later.

Ariana Gran

My Everything


Dangerous Woman

Thank U, Next

Die For You (Remix)


Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

The Weeknd, Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

Popular Reviews

The Weeknd's "My Dear Melancholy" is a haunting journey through heartbreak, dripping with raw emotion and introspection. With soulful vocals and atmospheric production, it's a captivating return to his darker R&B roots.

The Weeknd's "My Dear Melancholy" is a haunting journey through heartbreak, dripping with raw emotion and introspection. With soulful vocals and atmospheric production, it's a captivating return to his darker R&B roots.



Billie Eilish · 2019



Billie Eilish's "WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?" is a mesmerizing debut that defies genre conventions. With haunting vocals and innovative production, she crafts a dark yet captivating sonic landscape, solidifying her status as a trailblazer in contemporary pop.


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See Billie Eilish Live

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Blonde by Frank Ocean is a generation defining album. That’s the whole review... Seriously...

I was knocked out cold after falling 33 stories onto concrete and wouldn’t wake up, paramedics played this and i instantly jolted back to life. Thank you, Taylor. You saved me.

Billie Eilish's "WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?" is a mesmerizing debut that defies genre conventions. With haunting vocals and innovative production, she crafts a dark yet captivating sonic landscape, solidifying her statu…

Keep Track Of Everything You’ve Listened To

Follow Friends & Creators

Connect right to your Spotify to seamlessly keep track of everything you’ve been listening to.

Wavform makes it simple to document your music journey.

Connect with friends and your favorite creators to see what they’re listening to, reviewing, and sharing — all in one place. We remove the hassle of jumping between platforms, making it easy to stay updated on the music that matters most to you.

With Wavform, exploring and sharing music becomes the seamless, social experience that it should be.

All copyrighted content (i.e. album artwork) on Wavform are owned by their respective owners. Data is provided by Spotify AB. Wavform is in no way affiliated with Spotify AB.

© 2024 Wavform, LLC. All rights reserved. Create the world you wish to live in.